At Holy Trinity Church, a Grade II listed church in Huddersfield, Church Officers and the Design Team required assistance to integrate the demands of the existing building with those of proposed alterations and for EDGE to support all stakeholders with the delivery of a sustainable church.

The goals of the project were to:

  • reduce whole-life operational costs,
  • integrate improved environmental performance within the planned works,
  • improve visitor and user experience,
  • save money through lower fuel bills and
  • be a more comfortable place to visit for all.

Resulting Programme Of Works

  • Major heating system upgrade, including new highly efficient boilers
  • Boilers cascaded to provide a modulation range of 11-128kw
  • Utilisation of existing infrastructure where possible
  • Separation of new boilers from existing distribution system through plate heat exchangers
  • Installation of new pumps and macerator
  • New flue
  • Heat emitter upgrade in various areas
  • Installation of fan coil units to increase heating output from 14kW to 40.6kW
  • Enhanced control and zoning to significantly improve overall energy performance

When assessing churches there are two key elements that we focus on; thermal comfort and fabric condition.  It would be inappropriate to improve the thermal efficiency of a building if this led to a degradation of the fabric (moisture build-up etc). Likewise, it would be equally inappropriate to enhance the building fabric at the expense of the occupant or building user.  Above all, improvements have to be appropriate, affordable and achievable with the resources the client has to hand. Will Soden, Director, Edge Efficiency.

Services Provided

  • Examination of existing Quinquennial Inspection

  • Survey of building fabric

  • Survey of existing heating systems

  • Environmental Report and recommendations

  • Detailed Survey and Performance Specification