Brighouse Methodist Church is a Grade II listed church in West Yorkshire. With the concept design already developed for a proposed new extension and additional alterations, the team at Edge Efficiency were engaged to undertake a detailed Environmental Analysis of the church to assist the established design team to improve the sustainability performance of the scheme. This was then used as the basis for Edge to develop a detailed Mechanical and Electrical Performance Specification to facilitate the delivery of a coordinated design which delivered the required improvements in a sustainable manner.
Church Officers and the Design Team required assistance to integrate the demands of the existing building with those of the proposed alterations and for Edge Efficiency to support all stakeholders with the delivery of a sustainable church.
The goals of the project were to:
- reduced whole-life operational costs,
- integrate the planned building works with improved environmental performance,
- improve visitor and user experience,
- save money through lower fuel bills and
- be a more comfortable place to visit for all.
Whilst taking into account where good practice already existed, the Environmental Report highlighted areas where environmental performance could be improved whilst ensuring that the opportunity to maximise the energy efficiency of the proposed works was achieved. The environmental analysis took into consideration the proposed plans, and a range of further aspects:
- Assessment of bill data
- Heating system health check
- Thermal imaging survey
- Carbon Reduction Audit
Working closely with the client and project architect, Edge Efficiency suggested a range of alterations to improve energy efficiency.